Certified Asset Appraisals conducts comprehensive on-site asset inventory services for many industries throughout the United States in preparation for appraisals of the furniture, fixtures, and equipment. Our health care inventory services include hospitals, medical clinics, surgery centers, laboratories, imaging centers and nursing and rehabilitation facilities. We also inventory construction companies, manufacturing plants, and food preparation facilities including food product plants and kitchens in restaurants, fast food, hospitals and schools.

It is estimated that one third of all organizations do not know what they own or where their assets are located. It has also been estimated that nearly two thirds of the information residing in asset lists and depreciation schedules is inaccurate. This is especially true when organizations undergo mergers and acquisitions. The inventory also clarifies what the organization has for personal property tax purposes.

Our Inventory Services

We provide professional physical inventory, asset tagging or counting services that identify what you have and where. Our inventory teams identify critical information about each asset; uniform descriptions, manufacturer, model, and serial numbers. We identify where it is in the organization including room number, department, or building. We will make a condition assessment of each item. This not only provides our clients with the knowledge of the overall viability of their inventory but assists our appraisers in the valuation process. All of this information provides our clients with the tools they need to manage their assets.

Once the inventory is completed, we can help reconcile the inventory to the organization’s asset ledgers and depreciation schedules.
It is our recommendation that every medical practice and entity complete an initial asset inventory and valuation and update it periodically. Having up-to-date information will enable it to be better prepared for various events such as mergers, acquisitions, or loss of key management personnel.

Take Your Own Inventory

Many companies needing an inventory for appraisal purposes are small. Save money by taking your own inventory with our easy inventory form. It is simple, fast, and provides all the information we need to conduct the appraisal and valuation of your assets. AND IT’S FREE. Just contact us and we will e-mail the form and instructions to you.